There are six words I constantly think of as a Christian, a minister, and a guide for my students. I didn’t invent them; I am not the first to use them nor hope to be the last. The first of…
There are six words I constantly think of as a Christian, a minister, and a guide for my students. I didn’t invent them; I am not the first to use them nor hope to be the last. The first of…
We have heard a lot recently of the world engaging in wars, nation against nation and league against league. However, some nations decline to take any part in the conflict. Though they may have many commercial relationships and other forms…
Have you heard the story about a family moving from the East Coast to the West Coast? Due to the size of the family and all the luggage, they decided they were going to have to drive in two vehicles. The father…
There will always be things and subjects in which people will have no interest. And while some things may pique one’s interest, they may choose to remain uninvested. To be uninvested in something or someone will likely mean the person…
Does the state of our country’s morality get to you? Do you let politics and disagreements boil your blood? Does the unfairness of it all get under your skin and make you want to either explode or turn your back?…