Our purpose is to glorify God by proclaiming the gospel to all people. Jesus commissioned His disciples to make disciples of all nations by baptizing them and teaching them to follow Jesus Christ (Matt 28:19–20). We believe that evangelism is the role of every Christian because of our love for God (1 John 4:19), our concern for the lost, our desire to obey Him (1 Thess 2:4), and as a reflection of our gratitude for the salvation we have in Jesus Christ. Evangelism is ultimately for the glory of God and the growth of His church. Yet, we are all servants who must plant and water for the increase that comes from God (1 Cor 3:5–7). Our Evangelism, Outreach, and related ministries seek to fulfill this commission in the modern-day world.
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Choose Two

This year we are challenging members to reach two people with the Gospel. Jesus started small with just a few disciples and they grew into an incredible body of believers. We too can start small and, Lord willing, can make an enormous impact on those around us. Bookmarks are available in the foyer at church on the evangelism table. Take a look at some of the resources below to help you in your efforts this year.
Class Material
External Resources
- Back to the Bible Digital Version (WVBS)
- House to House School of Evangelism Curriculum (requires login)
- House to House School of Evangelism Videos (YouTube)
- Once Chance Evangelism (GBN)
Sermons on Evangelism
December 15, 2024
Speaker: Christian Frans
Topic: Evangelism, Neighborliness, Selflessness, Service
Service Type: Sunday PM
December 15, 2024
November 10, 2024
Speaker: Spencer Clark
Topic: Discipleship, Evangelism, Fellowship
Book: Matthew
Service Type: Sunday PM
September 22, 2024
September 15, 2024