Winter Quarter (December 2024 – February 2025)
Sunday Morning (9:00 AM) |
Joy for the Journey: A Thematic Study of Philippians Steve Higginbotham Auditorium Paul’s letter to the Philippians is a message of joy, unity, and hope in Christ. Whether facing trials, seeking contentment, or striving for spiritual growth, this study will equip us to live a Christ-centered life, realize the peace that God has to offer, and shine as lights to a lost world. |
Authority in Religion Rick Harrison Small Multi-Purpose Room While authority is a word that generates instant reaction, it is a central biblical theme that reflects God’s right to command and enforce obedience. In this class, we will focus on the need to have authority for the things we do religiously. We will explore the concept of authority in Scripture, how one establishes religious authority, and where opinion (i.e., expediency) in religion is appropriate. |
Wednesday (7:00 PM) |
What A Character! Southeast Students Auditorium Several students in the school of preaching will be teaching this class, allowing us a chance to get to know them better and giving them an opportunity to develop their abilities. These men will be lead us in a discussion of several character studies from the Scriptures. |
Then Sings My Soul (Ladies’ Class) Various Ladies Small Multipurpose Room Spiritual songs are a powerful way to declare God’s truth and reveal much about his nature and our obligations. In this class, we will explore the Biblical truths, lessons to be learned, and challenges to be accepted through some of the spiritual songs we sing. |
The New Denominations Spencer Clark Southeast Classroom 2 Some of the fastest-growing churches in America now identify as “Non-Denominational,” a term that ironically originates with us but has nothing to do with the Restoration Movement. These groups pride themselves on their independence from traditional denominations and do not always fit neatly into categories like Baptist, Methodist, or Pentecostal. This class will examine new, fast-growing religious denominations and movements, discuss changing trends in traditional denominations, and provide insights into engaging with people in our rapidly evolving religious landscape. |