By Dave Benner June is a busy month here at Karns Church of Christ. This evening the 20th Southeast Leadership Camp begins. Young men and women will be spending this week learning to develop and teach Bible lessons. They will…
By Dave Benner June is a busy month here at Karns Church of Christ. This evening the 20th Southeast Leadership Camp begins. Young men and women will be spending this week learning to develop and teach Bible lessons. They will…
By Dave Benner This weekend we spent Friday and Saturday in Nashville at the Lads2Leaders Convention. Nashville’s Convention is only 1 of 9 in the US and had an attendance of 9100. Total attendance this year is estimated at 30,000.…
By Dave Benner By now, most members know that our theme for this year is “Faithful Living: Holding Fast the Pattern.” This theme is based on the scripture found in 2 Timothy 1:13, “Hold fast the pattern of sound words…
By Dave Benner In our Wednesday night leadership class, Steve used Nehemiah as a good example of leadership. Let’s consider his actions when leading the effort to rebuild Jerusalem’s wall. This is found in Nehemiah 1-6. He secured resources from…
By Dave Benner In I & II Timothy, Paul gives advice to a young preacher. Much of this advice can and should be applied to all Christians, even old guys like me. I want to emphasize two steps of Christianity…
By Dave Benner On September 23, we were babysitting Hannah and Graham. It was a breezy, cool day as we went out on our deck. I remember thinking that it sure felt like Fall. Turns out it was the first…
By Dave Benner When I was in my 20’s, I worked in an orchard. One job I thoroughly enjoyed was grafting. We were grafting over rabbit damage on young apple trees. Rabbits will girdle trees in winter when other food…
By Dave Benner In Matthew 19, the disciples rebuked the people who were bringing their children to Jesus. However, Jesus rebuked the disciples saying, “Let the little ones come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs…
By Dave Benner In Numbers 21 we read about an episode that occurred during the exodus. The people spoke against God and Moses. As a result of their sin, God sent fiery serpents among them and many were bitten and…