By Dave Benner
In Matthew 19, the disciples rebuked the people who were bringing their children to Jesus. However, Jesus rebuked the disciples saying, “Let the little ones come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:14, ESV).
The Christian family has an obligation to raise their children in the “discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4, ESV). This is the most satisfying way to bear fruit for the Lord. Karns assists parents by providing Bible classes for all ages on Sunday morning and Wednesday evening. The elders appreciate the hard work and dedication of all the Bible class teachers who do such a great job. It is heartwarming to see our children looking forward to their classes and proudly sharing their classwork. Thanks to Bill Leeth, Hollis Bauman and Sherrye Woodall for coordinating these classes from birth through 5th grade.
Supplementing these classes, Karns also offers Lads to Leaders (L2L). This is coordinated by Lee Toothman. Kids as young as 5 learn how to present a Bible story, lead singing and participate in Bible Bowl. On Saturday, 16 young people from Karns will be showing what they learned at the L2L convention in Nashville along with hundreds of others. Thanks to Lee, Harry Washington, and Spencer Clark for teaching the boys. Also, thanks to Lynlee Robinson, Kathy Turner, and Teresa Clark for teaching the girls. Thanks to Chris Trice for his work with those participating in the Bible Bowl. Watch for the results in next week’s bulletin or announcements.
Finally, a big thank-you to all the parents who bring their children to these classes. May the Lord bless all your efforts in teaching your children in His Way.