By Dave Benner
In I & II Timothy, Paul gives advice to a young preacher. Much of this advice can and should be applied to all Christians, even old guys like me. I want to emphasize two steps of Christianity as found in II Timothy.
II Timothy 1:13 directs Timothy to, “Hold fast to the pattern of sound words you have heard from me, in faith and love, that are in Christ Jesus.” The pattern of sound words is the Gospel and includes “all things” as commanded by Christ in His “Great Commission” (Matthew 28:20).
Paul says Timothy must hold fast to his words because the New Testament was not yet available. Paul had taught Timothy all that he needed to know. Today, Paul would urge us to apply God’s word to our lives. He would direct us to follow the Bible in living our lives and to “Walk in the light as He is in the light” (I John 1:7). We must be living as a Christian before we take the next step.
Seven verses later Paul tells Timothy, “And the things you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also” (II Timothy 2:2). Once we have applied the scriptures to our lives, we should be passing it on. This is God’s plan for spreading the Gospel. We should live as Christians and be the “Light of the World,” but not stop there. We should teach others and encourage them to teach even others.
There has been a notable increase in evangelistic efforts by our membership since the American Mission Campaign. Your elders greatly appreciate all your efforts and the teamwork we see in spreading God’s word. Please pray for this work and do whatever you can to PASS IT ON!