By Dave Benner
June is a busy month here at Karns Church of Christ. This evening the 20th Southeast Leadership Camp begins. Young men and women will be spending this week learning to develop and teach Bible lessons. They will also be participating in service projects.
Next Sunday some young women will lead the women’s Bible class as well as the primary children’s classes. Young men will teach the adult Bible class and preach the morning sermon. This will be a real treat and a great experience for the campers.
Of course, it will not be all work. There will also be some fun activities such as a trip to Dollywood and a picnic at the camp. Most of the campers will be from Karns but we will also have some visitors. Let’s make them feel welcome.
The elders thank Spencer and all the others involved in teaching, feeding and housing campers.
Later this month we will be conducting Vacation Bible School. This is always a fun time for adults and children alike. I still remember some of the skits from past years. I can still see Bob Anderson portraying Noah in a very convincing way! It takes over 100 adult volunteers to make VBS happen. We need actors, of course, but we also need teachers, keepers, set builders and snack makers. We also need cookie bakers and hallway decorators! Remember that there are classes for all ages so please plan to attend. VBS is Sunday June 18 through Wednesday June 21 starting at 6:30 every evening. The theme this year is “Be an Example.”
Please invite your neighbors. VBS can be a good tool for evangelism. We have a handout that you can use to invite others.