As the home of the Southeast Institute of Biblical Studies, we are fortunate to host their annual lectureship. This year’s theme is “Encouraged: Finding Comfort in Christ.” This is the 49thth annual lectureship and the lessons are drawn from II Corinthians. The lectureship starts next Sunday, April 21 and continues through Wednesday, April 24. During the weekdays, lectures run from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Every weeknight there will be singing at 6:30 followed by a lecture. Besides the lectures for all, we are offering 2 afternoon ladies’ classes on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
We have a congregational fellowship meal on Sunday and free lunches every weekday.
This is an excellent opportunity to learn and to fellowship with other Christians. Among the speakers are numerous graduates of the preaching school and at least 7 former and current instructors.
This is also an excellent opportunity to serve. Please bring food for the meal on Sunday. We will need servers and clean-up help for every meal. You can sign up to help in the kitchen at the Connect Board. We also need salad items for the weekdays, and you can also sign up for those. Finally, there is a need for registration workers, especially on the first two days. Don’t forget that you can register online. Karns members should do this if possible because it streamlines the process.
Handouts are available in the foyer that provide a complete schedule of the lectures and the speakers. Don’t miss this wonderful event!
You can also view the full schedule and register online at the Southeast website.