Tomorrow is the first day of 2024! As I grow older, the new year seems to come faster and faster. The beginning of the year is a time that is often a starting point to resolve to do better the upcoming year.
The beginning of New Year’s resolutions has religious origins going back to the days of the Babylonians. The Romans began each year by making promises to the god Janus, for whom the month of January is named.
I have to say that I am not big on New Year’s resolutions (since there is no better time than the present to improve), however, it is a time for us to reflect on the prior year and see what we can do to improve for the new year. Perhaps we need to make more effort in speaking a good word about Jesus. We may need to be more willing to share the Gospel with our friends, relatives, or neighbors. There may be that one sin in our lives which we are weak fighting against the temptation of Satan. There may be some who are still weak in the faith needing to be fed milk and not the solid food. So, to get the solid food will require spending time in the Bible (1 Cor. 3:2). Many of us may have trouble controlling our tongue. We all are aware what James says about the tongue and the religion of the one who cannot control it (James 1:26). The Bible has a lot to say about how we speak. Whether it is saying words we shouldn’t or spreading gossip, or perhaps speaking evil against someone. We know the evil thereof! Let us all strive to be more mature Christians in 2024 – to seek a higher plane.