By Gregg Woodall
In one of our shepherds’ meetings recently we discovered that our church website is better at giving directions to the building than it is at giving directions to heaven. We are going to change that. But it did get me to thinking, does this same issue apply to us individually?
Are we better at giving our friends and family directions to the Karns building than we are at providing direction to salvation? We have a great many resources at Karns that can aid each and every one of us at being better at sharing the good news of the gospel as we go about our daily living.
Spencer serves as our evangelism minister and he has been teaching evangelism classes for any to attend. He is also managing our evangelism and outreach teaching materials that are readily available to anyone. Steve Waldron is working with and keeping current our religious material tracts that are in the lobby. Jimmy Brink has made some bookmarks, containing the plan of salvation, that we can place in our Bibles. Roy and Judy Brown are diligent at making sure our Bible correspondence ministry is running well and continues to reach out far beyond the walls of our building. We have many deacons and members who are actively engaged in Bible studies and in reaching out to the community to make the good news known.
Steve continues to deliver excellent classes and sermons that not only provide us with a good foundation, but also motivates us to be bold and courageous as we seek to share the gospel with others. Our school of preaching is a great resource for us through the teachers, as well as the students. Our recent addition of Christian to the ministerial team gives us even more of a resource.
The Lord has blessed Karns with the “A” team of ministers, deacons and members. Jesus said in Luke 12:48, “For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required.” We cannot just sit back and enjoy these blessings from God, we must give Him the best that can be done.
I said in the beginning that we are going to change our website to better direct folks to heaven. Will you change your insight to better direct folks that way too?