The Oak Ridge highway is the main road between Oak Ridge and Knoxville. For over 50 years the Karns church building has been incredibly close to the Oak Ridge highway – so close, but still, in some aspects, very, very far away. The building has always seemed to lack a great presence from the road. Passers-by have never been able to really recognize the church building from the highway. Often, when I mention to folks that I attend the Karns church of Christ, they ask, “Where is that in Karns?” They know where the traffic light, Ingles, and even Bojangles are located, but our building, which is so close, is missed.
We have always wanted to have a large sign on the highway, but there have always been problems in getting one. First, we don’t own property which fronts the highway. I believe the Lord has blessed us in that when the construction project at the intersection of Beaver Ridge and Oak Ridge Highway began, Knox County needed a small portion of our parking lot to improve the intersection by moving the road. The small portion of land where the road ran before became available to use for a sign. Prayers were answered when the county signed over an easement allowing us to construct a sign. We will finally be able to announce our presence here as a congregation, exposing us to many more people, and greatly increasing the possibility to reach our community.
We are so thankful to God for this great opportunity. When the elders were deciding on the type of sign, we wanted a large sign and one that would, appear to extend our present building to the highway. We want an impressive sign, utilizing technology where we can promote our congregational programs and activities in a manner that would invite outsiders. We believe, with the Lord’s help, we will be able to finally accomplish this task.
Additionally, signs of this caliber are expensive. The prices of displays are high, as well as the construction of a structure which compliments the building. We can see the first fruits of our labor with the large pole sticking up at the intersection. This is the framework for the sign. We have paid the first down payment and the elders are asking again for help from the congregation. We plan for a special contribution on September 18, 2011 to raise funds for the sign. Karns has a long history of always coming through when need arises.
Please help in this work. We thank you for the prayers which have advanced us this far and Lord willing, we will be able to expand the borders of the Kingdom in our community by a greater presence.
For the elders, Tony Williams