By Dave Benner
This Sunday is the first Sunday for nearly a year where we can come and worship together both morning and evening. Further, we can enjoy classes for all ages at 9 AM before our 10 AM worship. In addition, we had our first Wednesday night service this week for an awfully long time.
The elders have considered many criteria in deciding to make this exciting change. We feel it is best to continue to wear masks and social distance during all these services. Everybody from Kindergarten age up needs to wear a mask. We believe that facts show that this is best for all who might attend – the young and the old.
For those who cannot attend for any reason, you can still stream the services on our website or the Boxcast app. This will include the adult class in the auditorium both Sunday morning and Wednesday night.
Personally, I think the most exciting part of this change is the opportunity for classes for the children. The elders thank all the teachers and coordinators who make these classes possible. We understand that a lot of work goes into preparation for teaching any class. Though there are resources online for all ages, there is nothing like an in-person Bible class with a teacher who knows the students and their individual needs. We understand that parents bear the primary responsibility of teaching their children, but Bible classes play a crucial role in educating our young people.
I encourage all Christians at Karns to think like David who understood the need to pass on God’s Word. In Psalm 71:18 he writes, “So even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim your might to another generation, Your power to all those to come.”