By Steve Higginbotham
I’ve said this before, and I’m going to say it again, not to brag, but to build you up and to give honor to those who are worthy of honor. “There aren’t many churches in our country quite like the Karns congregation.” I’ve travelled to many places, and worshiped with many congregations all over the U.S., and very few are comparable with you.
In some churches I’ve visited, the culture or atmosphere is unfriendly, cold, inactive, and even dead. But that is not the culture of the Karns congregation. Quite the contrary. This group of Christians is thriving! I frequently tell others that there is a spiritual depth to this congregation that is seldom paralleled.
To what do I attribute that? Fundamentally, two things: The love of God and a love for our fellow-man. Of course, you know that these are the two greatest commands (Matthew 22:37-40).
When Kim and I first married, we were living in West Virginia and there was a commercial that came on the television that caused our daughter, Kelli, to run to the television so she could watch. It had a little jingle that said, “Come to Tennessee, we’re playing your song.” Little did we know then we would come to realize that a quarter of a century later.
Our lives have been blessed by the fellowship and kindness of this body of people. Our personal spiritual life and habits were challenged and strengthened by being a part of this congregation. And our knowledge of God’s word has grown while being associated with you.
What I want to say is that we find it an honor to live and serve among you. I also want to encourage you to maintain this culture of love for God and love for your fellow-man. In so doing, we will be able to accomplish the mission of the church which is to bring glory to God in the church by Jesus Christ to all generations (Ephesians 3:21).
I hope you recognized you’re a part of something special and take advantage of the opportunities to grow closer to God.