By Gary Woodall
Is your praise absent or misplaced? Often, we will forget to praise God. We are quick to ask him for whatever we want, maybe even very worthy and noble things, but praise is often left out. Sometimes our praise is reserved for favorite actors, automobiles, athletic teams, beloved coaches, etc. Starting every morning with praise, adoration, and thanksgiving for and to God gets every day off on the right foot.
In Acts 16:25 after they were threatened, beaten, and thrown in prison we find Paul and Silas setting an example for us and their fellow prisoners by praying and singing praises to God.
The book of Psalms is full of praises for God, especially the last five Psalms, 146 -150. Read them and see if you can keep from feeling a desire to praise God. Think of even some of what He has provided for you and you will want to praise Him.
Inspired by these Psalms, especially Psalm 148, Richard Mant wrote this beloved hymn in the late 1700’s.
Praise the Lord! Ye Heavens Adore Him
1 Praise the Lord! ye heav’ns adore him; Praise him angels, in the height; Sun and moon, rejoice before him; Praise him, all ye stars of light. Praise the Lord! for he has spoken; Worlds his mighty voice obeyed; Laws which never shall be broken For their guidance he has made.
2 Praise the Lord! for he is glorious; Never shall his promise fail; God has made his saints victorious; Sin and death shall not prevail. Praise the God of our salvation! Hosts on high his pow’r proclaim; Heav’n, and earth, and all creation, Laud and magnify his name.
3 Worship, honor, glory, blessing, Lord, we offer unto thee; Young and old, thy praise expressing, In glad homage bend the knee. All the saints in heav’n adore thee, We would bow before thy throne;
As thine angels serve before thee, So on earth thy will be done.
When we are assembled together worshiping and provoking to love and good works (Heb. 10:24,25), let’s make sure to bring our appreciation and praise for God!