By Dave Benner
By now, most members know that our theme for this year is “Faithful Living: Holding Fast the Pattern.” This theme is based on the scripture found in 2 Timothy 1:13, “Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus.” The elders chose this theme because we want to continue the evangelistic efforts we started last year.
One of our visions listed on page 7 of the 2023 Vision Book is that every ablebodied member supports at least one Karns ministry through active participation. Many if not most are already doing this. If you are not yet involved, the Vision Book provides descriptions of the ministry areas, opportunities to serve and who to contact.
We also need to review the Evangelism Model to find a niche for ourselves. It is found on page 28. We can also see it displayed above the Evangelism table in the foyer. The Evangelism Model has 17 areas where we can help. Each area has a coordinator who will be happy for our assistance. We should be helping in at least one of these areas. Please review and get involved!
One simple way to help is to come Sunday night at 4:45 for writing and addressing compassion cards for our contacts. Contact Jeni Hanstein or Linda Oakley for more information.
A great way to make contacts is to take notice when someone new moves into your neighborhood. We have new mover baskets prepared to give to these folks. The baskets provide cleaning supplies and other useful items. See Tyler and Tosha Copeland about this effort.
Please welcome new members. We have new members identifying with the Karns Church of Christ every month. Let’s get to know them and make them feel a part of our family.
Finally, we all can and should be actively and fervently praying for our evangelistic efforts.