By Gregg Woodall
There are many needs in our world today: the need for peace in war-torn areas around the world, the need for food and clothing in poverty-stricken countries, the need for loving families, civil rights, good paying jobs, etc.
But the greatest need for our world is evangelism. Sharing the gospel with every person (Mark 16:15) and preaching the word everywhere (Acts 8:5) is a need that was met aggressively in the first century AD (Col. 1:23).
Many in this world are lost and dying, for all have sinned (Rom. 3:23) and without Christ, they will die in their sins (John 8:24). Close to home this means that relatives, friends, and neighbors will be lost if Christians continue to do little to teach them. Many congregations have lost their evangelism focus. Many of our congregations are declining in number because as Christians die or fall away, little is being done to convert others. Unless we meet this need, many churches will cease to exist.
There have been many reasons offered for why this need has not been met. It could be due to a lack of concern, knowledge, courage, faith, or focus. Our Lord was concerned as he came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10) and Paul also had great concern for the lost (Romans 10:1). Our knowledge may only need to be able to say, “Come and see” (John 1:45-46). Do we believe in God’s ability to give us strength (Phil. 4:13), wisdom (James 1:5) and courage (2 Tim. 1:7-8)? Have we allowed the things of this world to distract us from bearing fruit for the Lord (Luke 8:14)?
We all need to be personal workers to fulfill the command of Christ (Matt. 28:19), to show our love for others, and to be like the early church. Jesus commanded that disciples be made (Matt. 28:19). Love for others is the second greatest commandment (Matt. 22:39). We need to develop and demonstrate the same zeal for the Lord’s cause as the early church and the same love for the lost (Acts).
The greatest need in the church is to get back to its original mission of evangelism and the greatest need of Christians is to be personal workers in the vineyard of the Lord. Do we have faith? Do we have the right focus? Do we care?