In Acts chapter 6, Luke informs us of the gradual development in the early church and a problem associated with growth in the church at Jerusalem.
It had been about 4 to 5 years since the church was established and it is indicated that all 12 apostles were in Jerusalem at the time. The increase they had experienced brought about a problem involving the Hellenistic Jewish widows being neglected in the church’s daily provisions. The Hellenistic Jews were those born outside of Palestine and spoke Greek, while the Hebrews were natural born and spoke the Hebrew language. Considering that these Greekspeaking widows were being neglected, the apostles stated that it was not best, or satisfactory, for them to give their time to serve tables. They had a higher and more important work to do: preaching the Word. Therefore, they gave instructions to the congregation to seek out seven men from among themselves with specific qualifications who the twelve apostles could appoint to the work. We do not know why they asked for seven men, nor does the text inform us if they were indeed the first deacons in the church at Jerusalem, or if this was a temporary post until provisions were met.
We at Karns are fortunate to have growth in our congregation. We too are in the process of seeking out from among ourselves men of good report, with the qualifications indicated in the New Testament, to be additions to our deacons and eldership. Lord willing, in the coming months, we will put forth names for consideration in both offices. Please continue to pray that good men will be willing to accept these positions of church leadership.
For the elders, Tony Williams