Best Seats in the House

By Terry Clark

Some of the best seats in the house at sporting events, concerts, shows, and amusement park rides are near the front of the venue. The idea is to be close to the action, not miss any details, and get the most from the experience as the athletes, entertainers, and theme parks give their best to ensure everyone enjoys the experience.

If this concept is true, then why are the best seats in the house of God often something other than the front? This question is not so much about where we sit physically in the church building during worship services or class time, but where do we sit mentally during the assembly? Are we mentally near the front or mentally somewhere else, ready for things to be over?

Unlike sporting events, concerts, and theme parks, we are to assemble as a church body to give our best to God and to our fellow brothers and sisters. We are to worship God in spirit and truth (John 4:24), and we are to look out not only for our own interests, but also for the interests of others (Philippians 2:1-4). God’s instructions require Christians to assemble (Hebrews 10:22-27), participate with the proper attitude, and to exhort one another. These commands require us to approach assembly, worship, and the resulting fellowship proactively; therefore, our actions should not be characterized as passive.

I occasionally hear Christians say they don’t feel connected where they attend church, they don’t know anyone, or they do not get anything out of worship. Certainly, these expressions should be noted by shepherds to determine if members are in need of spiritual nurture. Often though, such expressions are the result of not accepting that action is required on our part and not investing the time.

The world competes always for our attention, and life is filled with distractions. May we all find the best seat in the house of God that allows us to be mentally engaged in our worship to God and with our brothers and sisters in Christ.