by Steve Higginbotham It was close to 43 years ago, and I was a little boy standing by my dad’s side after he had preached a funeral. The funeral was conducted at the Church of Christ in Daybrook, WV. As…
by Steve Higginbotham It was close to 43 years ago, and I was a little boy standing by my dad’s side after he had preached a funeral. The funeral was conducted at the Church of Christ in Daybrook, WV. As…
By Steve Higginbotham Have you ever been offended by a bumper sticker on the car in front of you? I have. In fact, there are times I hoped that my children weren’t able to read the obscenities. Some people have…
By Steve Higginbotham You’ve probably heard the story about a man who had just purchased a brand new Mercedes-Benz automobile and while he was driving home, he lost control of his car. His new car rolled three times, fortunately throwing…
By Steve Higginbotham By the time you are reading this article, you will have one more week until our “Friendship Day” is upon us. As has been stated, this day is a special effort to: Introduce people to Jesus. Allow…
One of the most humbling thoughts one may ever entertain is the fact that our omnipotent God has chosen to depend upon us. The very thought that our God, who spoke the universe into existence, formed man from the dust…
Steve Higginbotham While in college, I was playing in an “all important” intramural basketball game. Things were getting rather chippy when it finally happened. Someone on the opposing team punched a player on my team. My teammate fell to the…
By Steve Higginbotham May I ask you a question? We all know of our obligation to be evangelistic. Hence, we try to find opportunities, walk through open doors that will allow us to talk to our friends, neighbors, and co-workers.…
By Steve Higginbotham Did you ever dream as a child, of finding buried treasure in your back yard? Did you ever imagine some pirate might have buried a chest full of gold and treasure and that it was buried in…
by Steve Higginbotham Several years ago, I read of an entry found in an old church record of a business meeting. The entry stated the following: “A committee was appointed to investigate the squeak in the pulpit.” While I am…