By Gregg Woodall
We had tremendous turnout and participation for the AMC evangelistic outreach and for that we are thankful to everyone who had a part. Now for the most important part: follow-up and continuation of our efforts. We need to follow up on all those contacted during the campaign and we need to continue with the Lord’s call to evangelize. There is much to do.
We, your shepherds, have spent a lot of time in meeting and discussing with Steve, Spencer, Will, some of the staff and with many of you about ramping up to carry out this great ministry. We have studied the Evangelism Model presented to the congregation by Rob Whitacre and reviewed the Evangelism Management approach he presented to the elders. We have developed an approach that we believe will work best for Karns. We are having to move quickly because for a congregation of our size there is a lot of planning, logistics, and coordination to bring this about and we do not wish to lose any enthusiasm or momentum in moving forward.
EVERYONE interested in having a part in our evangelism ministry needs to be here at 4:30 in the auditorium for us to share our plans for implementing this at Karns. It will involve, among other things, having a whole quarter of our Sunday am classes devoted to equipping everyone with the tools and knowledge to teach others the gospel. Every class from middle school up will still meet in their respective classes, but we will all be studying the same thing at the same time. We will go over the Believe the Bible set (3) lessons, the Back to the Bible set (3), the Does it Matter booklet, Karns supplemental material, the Visualized chart book, and How to Close a Study book. Our goal is to turn contacts into prospects into converts into growing Christians. Simultaneously with our classes we will be active in carrying out the many other activities that are necessary to accomplish this mission.
We are going to need a HOST OF VOLUNTEERS to do this well. If we do this right this could be as big a deal for Karns as Southeast has been and continues to be. Let’s all commit to being as involved as we can to serve the Lord in reaching the lost.