Why Attend Every Service?

In every church there are some Christians who attend every service of the church whenever possible. However, there are other Christians whose attendance is infrequent, often missing Sunday and Wednesday night. Why do some Christians attend every service, and others do not? Does it really make a difference? I believe it makes a very real difference in the spiritual life of the Christian and in the spiritual life of the congregation.

The command not to forsake our assembling is found in Hebrews 10:25. While one may not have abandoned our assembling by attending only once a week, forsaking that one assembly a week becomes a lot easier when you develop a habit of forsaking other assemblies! Those in the habit of attending every service are not likely to begin skipping services that can lead to stopping attending altogether!

The command to edify one another and fulfill our responsibility to build up one another is clear (Rom. 14:19; 15:1-3; Heb. 3:12-14). Simply our presence alone encourages others in attendance.

Jesus commands us to put the kingdom of God first (Matt. 6:33). We all have priorities; we must simply learn to put them in the right order. Many Christians avoid events and circumstances that would cause them to miss services.

Attendance is necessary to help us grow and develop spiritually. Hearing the sermons and attending the Bible classes helps us to grow and develop into mature Christians (cf. Heb. 5:12-14). Even the songs are designed to teach as well as praise (Col. 3:16).

Regular attendance and participation helps the church to function properly. The church is like a body, needing every individual part to do its share (Eph. 4:15-16). There are many needs for helping with the worship services and teaching classes. Much help is needed for other things which take place outside of the assembly. A church is no stronger than the collective strength of its members. Churches where the attendance is lacking will have difficulty in living up to their full potential in service to the Lord.

Christians are to set a good example and faithful attendance helps to provide a good influence for one another (Titus 4:12; 2:7-8), and for those in the world (Matt 5:14-16; Phil. 2:15). It sets a good example for the spiritually weak, visitors, and our children! It influences our friends, relatives, and neighbors (cf. I Pet. 2:12). They admire your conviction and devotion to the Lord and they may begin to inquire what it is that makes you so devoted to the church.

What is your attendance like? In redeeming the time you have (Eph. 5:16), may you use as much of it as possible in service to the Lord and His people!

For the elders (Gregg Woodall)