Who Cares, Anyway!

Perhaps you have said it yourself or at least had the thought when failing to do something which needed to be done. There are trivial matters in life where it may well be appropriate to say, “who cares, anyway?” Like maybe failing to trim your toenails or drinking the last of the milk, etc.., But what about the more important things in life, like those that concern your church family?

Does your attendance matter? Does your helping out with various church-related activities matter? Does your weekly monetary contribution matter? On and on the list could go and you could attempt to trivialize these things, but they are important and yes, someone cares.

Jesus commands us to put the kingdom of God first (Matt. 6:33). We all have priorities; we must simply learn to put them in the right order. Many Christians avoid events and circumstances that would cause them to miss services. Many Christians will not play sports, or engage in other activities that conflict with their service to God. Some stay home on Sunday because of aches and pains, but on Monday go to work, the grocery store, or the mall with the same aches and pains.

Christians are to set a good example and faithful attendance helps to provide a good influence for one another (1 Tim. 4:12; Titus 2:7-8), and for those in the world (Matt. 5:14-16; Phil. 2:15). It sets a good example for babes in Christ, the spiritually weak, visitors, and our children! It influences our friends, relatives, and neighbors (cf. 1 Peter 2:12). They admire your conviction and devotion to the Lord and they may begin to inquire what it is that makes you so devoted to the church. Your presence alone is a great source of encouragement and your absence creates anxiety for anyone concerned for your spiritual welfare.

Who cares, anyway? Well, I do for one. The other elders care. All our members should and do have a concern for you and your presence at every opportunity to meet together. And, of course, our Lord and Savior cares.

For the elders, Gregg Woodall