The Beauty of Holiness

by Steve Higginbotham

On at least four occasions in the Old Testament, the expression, the Beauty of Holiness is employed (1 Chronicles 16:19; 2 Chronicles 20:21; Psalm 29:2; Psalm 96:9).

It goes without saying that the Bible is right. Holiness is indeed beautiful. As beautiful and good as repentance, confession and forgiveness are, holiness is better. However, I have come to realize we live in a time when the value and beauty of holiness is not appreciated and is not seen for what it is.

In fact, rather than focusing upon the beauty of holiness, we live in a time when people have flip-flopped this biblical expression and are being deceived by what they think is the “holiness of beauty.”

In order to illustrate what I am saying, just take notice of how some churches seem more preoccupied with “beauty” rather than “holiness.” Congregational singing is giving way in some churches to special group singing and choruses. Why? Because some have minimized the beauty of holiness and have placed greater value in what they believe is the holiness of beauty. Forget about the beauty of holiness in the cracking, failing voice of an aged Christian widow singing, “Heaven Will Surely Be Worth It All,” and make room for the perceived holiness of beauty in the beautifully trained voices of professional singers. Why do you suppose mechanical instrumental music is heard in many churches today? The answer is that someone along the way decided anything which sounded so “beautiful” must be “holy.”

Friends, don’t misunderstand. There is nothing wrong in beauty, it’s just not our primary aim. Our aim is holiness. The value of our worship and devotion to God is not in beauty, but holiness. So remember, we are to worship God in the “beauty of holiness,” not in the “holiness of beauty.”

“Give unto the LORD the glory due to His name; Worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness” (Psalm 29:2).