Thanks for Coming!

The Bible records many events for us to consider and practice in our own lives. Just as Philip invited Nathanael to “come and see,” many of our members have asked you to come and see – and we thank you for being here. “Nathanael said to him, `Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?’ Philip said to him, `Come and see'” (John 1:46).

When Jesus saw the crowds of people who had come to Him, He had compassion for them as we also have for you here today. “Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd” (Matt. 9:36).

Our ministers, Steve Higginbotham and Justin Morton, will bring messages from God’s word just as Jesus also taught them a message from God. “And He spoke many things to them in parables, saying, “Behold, the sower went out to sow …”(Matt. 13:3)

And when Jesus saw that the people stayed with him to hear the message and they were in need of food, he fed them just as we have a meal prepared in your honor for you today. “When it was evening, the disciples came to Him and said, `This place is desolate and the hour is already late; so send the crowds away, that they may go into the villages and buy food for themselves.’ But Jesus said to them, `They do not need to go away; you give them something to eat!’ They said to Him, `We have here only five loaves and two fish.’ And He said, `Bring them here to Me.’ Ordering the people to sit down on the grass, He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up toward heaven, He blessed the food, and breaking the loaves He gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds, and they all ate and were satisfied. They picked up what was left over of the broken pieces, twelve full baskets” (Matt 14:15-20).

We are so very grateful to you for honoring us with your presence here today and it is our prayer and earnest desire that you have come to know Jesus better.

For the elders, Gregg Woodall