It’s the holiday season, which means eating too much and committing to losing it in January. As the saying goes, “You are what you eat.” The things we put in our stomach can literally change our bodies.
While not exactly a spiritual principle, there is a shared kernel of truth here. The things we pursue in our lives will change our hearts, shape our priorities, and ultimately impact our faith. As Jesus said, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matt 6:21). If money is our focus, our heart will follow. If we are focused on sexuality, sinful entertainment, desire, coveting, or other such sins — our hearts will follow too — and we will face the wrath of God (Col 3:5-6).
But perhaps the most deceptive things that capture our hearts are not always inherently sinful. They become sinful when they become an idolatrous distraction from our pursuit of righteousness and spiritual growth. A harmless focus on “having a good life” will direct our life’s focus away from God and towards finding stability in our living situations or careers. But the real measure of a good life should be our faithfulness to God, His Word, and His Church. All our needs will follow when we seek first God’s kingdom (Matt 6:33).
Our hearts need to be set on the treasure of God, His Son, and eternal life. If He is our focus, our heart will be there too, and He will shape the direction of our lives, our priorities, our decisions, and our faith.
If you want to know what’s shaping your life, look for where your heart is. If you want to know where your heart is, look at what is most important to you. If God is not your treasure, then your life is being shaped by something other than Him. Our minds need to be set on things above, not on things of this earth (Col 3:2). For where we set our minds, our hearts will follow, and so will the rest of our lives and eternity.