Plan Your Visit

Sometimes people are hesitant to visit a particular church because they do not know exactly what to expect. People ask: “Will I be embarrassed in any way?” “Will I feel welcome?” “Will I understand what is being done?” Below you will find key information for visiting Karns.

A Warm Atmosphere

You can expect to find a joyful, uplifting atmosphere and a warm welcome from the time you enter the door. We love our visitors and will do our best to make you feel welcome. While we want things to be done decently and in order (1 Corinthians 14:40), we do not believe this should dampen our enthusiasm as we study, worship, and fellowship together. We believe you will enjoy being with us.

Our congregation is filled with ordinary people from all ages, occupations, professions, and educational backgrounds. What unites us is the common goal of striving towards the eternal hope that we have in Jesus Christ through His Gospel and His church.

Bible Classes

Our Bible classes offer a helpful, interesting, and in-depth exploration of the scriptures every Sunday morning at 9:00 AM and Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM. Classes are available for all ages including Cradle Roll, Preschool, K-5, Middle and High School, College and Young Adult, and beyond. Caring, experienced Christian teachers guide these sessions, utilizing the Bible and other high-quality resources. Karns is blessed with a wealth of experienced teachers and preachers, including faculty members of the Southeast Institute of Biblical Studies and other individuals with advanced degrees and experience. Above all, our aim is to support each person’s journey of spiritual development from the first steps of salvation to a faithful life of committed Christian discipleship and fruitfulness.

Stop by our Welcome Center in the auditorium foyer for help finding a class for you and your family.

A list of current adult Bible Classes is available here.


You can expect to find simple, devout worship that lasts about an hour. Because we desire to follow the New Testament pattern for worship (John 4:24), you will find that each Lord’s Day we pray (Acts 2:42), observe the Lord’s Supper (1 Corinthians 11:23-29), give to support the Lord’s work (1 Corinthians 16:1,2), sing (Ephesians 5:19), and teach and preach the Word of God in love (Acts 2:42; Ephesians 4:15).

Many people are surprised by the fact that we worship without instruments. It is not for lack of talent (for our congregation has many talented musicians), but out of a desire to please God and worship Him as the first Christians did in the New Testament. Every Sunday, hundreds of Christians gather at Karns to use the instrument of their hearts (Col 3:16) to praise the Lord in Spirit and in truth.

When & Where?

We are located in the heart of Karns at 6612 Beaver Ridge Road, just off Oak Ridge Highway, across the street from Ingles and next to Bojangles and the Karns Fire Station.

9:00 AM Bible Class
10:00 AM Worship
6:30 PM Worship

7:00 PM Bible Class & Devotional


We offer age-appropriate Bible classes for all children from Birth to 12th grade on Sunday at 9:00 AM and Wednesday at 7:00 PM. Our classes are staffed with experienced teachers and assistants. After class, children are dismissed to join their families for worship. Parents of younger children (esp. Cradle – PreK) will need to pick up their children at their classroom door.

During worship services, families sit together with their children in the auditorium to worship together.

Karns has a Nursery for mothers of young children located on the North side of the auditorium (back left side). It features rocking chairs, changing tables, cribs, and an en-suite bathroom with training seat. Mothers will be able to view the services through a one-way window.

There is also a Training Room near the Nursery that is separate from the nursery that allows for viewing and listening to the services.