When nations of the world engage in wars, nation against nation and league against league, there are some nations that decline to take any part in the conflict. Though they may have had many commercial relations and other forms of contact with the other nations at war, they choose to remain neutral as far as possible in keeping with international agreements. Of course, it is the privilege of such nations to so choose.
In the spiritual realm there are also two great forces locked in continual combat; a war in which there can be no retreat, no giving of ground, and no compromise in Scriptural matters. The Christian is engaged in battle as stated in the song title “Solders of Christ Arise”. Some who are engaged in this battle have joined the fight with heart and soul, and with all the strength they possess. Others are only half-heartedly engaged in the struggle. However, a little careful study of the matter will reveal there is no room for being neutral in this great spiritual conflict. It was Jesus Himself who stated that if one is not for Him, he is against Him. There is no neutral ground, either one is fighting for Christ or he is lending his strength against Christ. Those who have not yet acknowledged Christ are not Christians, thus far they have rejected Him and their influence is on the side of evil.
Paul wrote to the Colossians saying they had been transferred out of the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of the Son of God. Before they were Christians they were in darkness. When the change took place they became soldiers of Christ. For any responsible Christian there is no neutral ground.
Those who do not fight for Christ are aligned with His enemies. Those who are half-hearted or lukewarm are lending service to the enemy. Those who accept and teach error are also supporting the cause of evil, both within and without the church. Let us enlist whole-heartedly for Christ and lend our strength to the battle, for as long as we are in the world.
For the elders, Tony Williams