
I was recently having lunch with a colleague, when we began to talk about the church he and his wife attended. He had been married for a few years and I knew he and his wife had denominational differences before they married. He mentioned the denominational church that they now attended was the one he had always attended.

I asked if they both attended this congregation and if they always attended there or if they shared in attendance between her church and his. He replied that he would never go back to the church his wife previously attended. I told him I have heard of that denomination, (one of the newer, mega type churches), but didn’t know what they stood for nor the doctrine they practiced. He quickly replied, “Kool-Aid”. I asked what me meant by that term.

He replied they stand for nothing. The members only want to be entertained and follow whatever the minister claims. This is exactly what he meant by Kool-Aid, he was referencing the Jim Jones Guyana tragedy where Mr. Jones’ cult followers were told to drink his concoction. This denomination appears to be what is referred to as the emerging church. A group of individuals that seem to have the idea that first century Christianity should have been left in the first century.

They are really a group with a past that have been either unchurched, or are distrustful of religion deeming it man-made with rules set to suit the rule maker. It is evident that these folks are ignorant of God’s word. I will never understand how people come to think that they can know Christ without regard for his Word! His words are eternal life (John 6:63). We will be judged by His words (John 12:48). Let us hold fast to what we have received so that we may not believe in vain (1 Corinthians 15:1-2).

For the elders, Tony Williams