Important Business Meeting

What’s important? We all think we are prioritizing appropriately, but are we really? There are all kinds of techniques for ordering our tasks, projects, and objectives for each day and most are pretty good as long as we actually follow them. They try to guide us toward spending time on what is most important rather than what is most urgent at that moment because we tend to do the most urgent, usually least important, things.

Days can get so busy…meetings, responsibilities, too much work, more meetings, paperwork, phone calls, mail, staff problems, you fill in the blank. We all lead very busy lives these days. The urgent tends to crowd out the important.

What could be more important than our eternal destiny and the destiny of those around us? It is so easy to forget God in our daily lives, to forget to pray, to forget to study the most important book ever written, the Bible.

Schedule time with God just like it is an important business meeting…because it is! Make an actual appointment. It’s a meeting with the Father about the Father’s business. Decide today to make it a priority to do the important first and then make the time today and every day to pray and to read the Bible.

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33, NASB).

Then do your part to be that light in the world drawing the lost to Christ.

For your Shepherds

Gary Woodall