Help Wanted – Lectureship is Coming!

By Gregg Woodall, for the elders

Ahhh! The smell of spring is in the air, taxes are filed (you hope) and it’s time once again for the Southeast annual lectureship.

This year we expect a large number of people to attend our lectureship and we want them all to have a great experience and be our most welcomed guests. In that regard, there are a host of things that need to be done and help is needed on all fronts.

We need you to offer up yourselves to keep guests in your home, pick them up and take them back to the airport, be here at the building to greet them and to help with giving directions. We offer a free breakfast and lunch to our guests every day and much help is necessary. If you can only spare an hour or two we need help with serving lunch. Some of you may get tapped on the shoulder to help with specific tasks and please plan to say “yes.” We will also need help with babysitting by helping to staff the nursery. It is very important that you support the lectureship by attending as much of the lectureship as you can. There is a sign-up sheet on the congregational board that needs your name on it.

Our lectureship is a much anticipated event for many who come every year. I have already heard from several about their eagerness to be with us. Brothers and sisters will be coming from many states and will have travelled far to participate in this great opportunity to hear from a variety of excellent speakers.

Let’s show Will our support by overwhelming him with our eagerness to participate. Remember the words of the apostle Paul when he boasted to the Corinthians about the generosity and personal involvement of the brethren in the churches of Macedonia.

“…Begging us with much urging for the favor of participation…” (2 Corinthians 8:4).

P.S. – Don’t forget the whole congregation meal on Sunday the 24th and plan for extra guests.