There are times when some things just need to be said and this is one of those times. As a whole, we at Karns are doing a good job. We must always seek to improve at becoming more Christ- like every day. But, we should not fail to give praise and thanks for the progress made as a family of believers working together to further God’s kingdom and serve our Lord and Master.
When arriving at the building it is obvious care has been taken to make sure the grounds and landscaping are presentable, the entry is clean and organized, and our building is ready to be used to glorify God. We have so many who are willing to sacrifice time to plan lessons and materials, coming early to prepare their classrooms and are eager to share God’s word with others. There are always the many other preparations we often take for granted, such as communion set- up, nursery readiness, baptismal garments, sound and visual projection, the weekly bulletin, and a host of other things done by quiet and humble brothers and sisters. The sermons we are privileged to hear are not just timefillers, but have been prepared with diligent study and careful consideration of our needs as brethren seeking to encourage one another and be pleasing to God. Our song service is truly wonderful, aided by the wealth of talent we have in song leaders.
Beyond worship service and classes, there are many other things occurring that, in a lot of ways, are impressive. There are several Bible studies and study groups meeting and results are happening. Many are involved with cards, calls, visitation, and taking food to those in need. A myriad of activities happen every week among our singles, youth, young married’s, college-age, and our 55+ group. We all have many opportunities to be involved in some significant way and this is a good thing.
There are a number of initiatives underway at present that will very soon be ready to share with everyone. I believe you will find them to be innovative, intriguing, and something where you will find a place for yourself to become involved with everyone else. Serving God in every way in our everyday lives is both expected and rewarding.
We as a family are friendly, engaging, and encouraging to one another, and to those who visit with us. Our goal is to involve all our family in actively serving God in our homes, schools, workplaces, and communities to reach as many lost souls as possible.
Thank you for all you do every day. Keep up the Good Work.
For the elders (Gregg Woodall)