Earthly choices can drive one’s faithfulness to God if permitted. Work, recreation, and hobbies can distract and take precedence over one’s service to God. While these activities are not inherently wrong, one must guard against things and “stuff” that redirect focus away from God.
Sometimes a family member (grandparent, parent, spouse, etc.) can influence another family member’s relationship with God. Even a child and/or a child’s life choices can drive or dictate the parent’s faithfulness and service to God. Jesus addresses this in Matthew 10:34-39.
Jesus was clear that He (the Word) would create division amongst family members who do not share the same heavenly goals and are not on the same page as far as obeying, following, and serving God. Jesus did not say to stop loving our earthly families, but our love for Him should be greater. While choosing to follow God may have temporal consequences, choosing the things of this world and even family over God has eternal consequences.
A high school student and Christian recently said “we must do what is right, not what is easy”. Jesus told the multitudes in his sermon on the mount, “narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it” (Matthew 7:13-14). Though the world may shun us, families become distant, and life becomes difficult, we must always put God first.