To our wonderful Karns church family from your humble shepherds: We cannot begin to express the tremendous debt of gratitude we owe to each and every one of you for your participation in our first annual Friendship Day. We had 592 precious souls meeting for worship and fellowship.
This entire event would not have been successful without the volunteer efforts of so many. Many of you did things which were helpful without even being asked or directed as to the need. We had members putting up drink cup disposal signs, planting flowers and picking weeds, cleaning baseboards, sweeping sidewalks (more than once), setting up internet streaming, moving tables and chairs (more than once), inviting friends, family and neighbors (great job), bringing desserts (tons, literally), being friendly and courteous (as always), coordinating and directing the meal service, participating in and coordinating the worship service, preparing welcome handouts and flyers, delivering great messages from God’s Word, parking away and walking over (this was a big help), and just being the great family that you are.
We have had a significant amount of positive feedback from those who were our honored guests. Many of them as well as many of you have expressed your own appreciation for our great day. We are already making plans for next year (Lord willing) for Friendship Day to be even bigger and better and we will be counting on each of you to help make that happen. The Lord has blessed us with the many who attended and now we must continue with our planned follow-up to make the most of the efforts already put forth. May the Lord continue His blessings upon us as we all reach out to our community and show forth our Savior Jesus, the Christ. Would you have ever believed that so much good could be accomplished by simply saying “Come and See”?
Your shepherds love you and wish to thank you for all you have done and continue to do.
For the elders, Gregg Woodall