By Steve Higginbotham
By the time you are reading this article, you will have one more week until our “Friendship Day” is upon us. As has been stated, this day is a special effort to:
Introduce people to Jesus.
Allow people to see the love of Christ in His church at Karns.
Give us an opportunity to worship and fellowship with fellow Christians who may be members at
other local congregations.
We’ve set a goal to have 550 people in attendance that day. Why set a goal if it’s not about numbers? Because goals challenge and inspire us. And, because we want the community to be “a-buzz” about what’s going on at the Karns Church of Christ. The more positive talk about the church here at Karns, the more Jesus is magnified in our community.
Please take these last seven days to invite someone to join you and follow up on your invitations. Please, let us collectively leverage our influence for the cause of Christ on this Sunday. If we do, we’ll be amazed at what happens! Invite your neighbors, co-workers, classmates, friends, out-of-town family, Christian friends from area congregations (inform your Christian friends from other congregations that they can share in the fruit born out of the efforts of this day by their assistance in our work – Phil. 4:15- 17).
Things to remember to do for this day:
Pray and work. Put into practice the overriding theme for this year – “For Such A Time As This.”
Try to reduce the number of vehicles your family comes to church in on that Sunday due to
parking limitations. Also, upon arriving, try to park as far from the building as possible so that
visitors can be closer to the building.
Move to the center of the pews when possible, leaving the ends open so that people will be able
to find a seat.
Remember the power of a “first impression.” How we interact with these visitors will have a
large impact on whether they will ever desire to return.
The order of services will be different: 9:00 a.m. class; 10:00 a.m. worship; lunch provided at the
church building; 12:30 singing; 1:00 p.m. worship service.
What can we accomplish if we work together in conjunction with God? Be present next Sunday and you’ll see!