One of the most humbling thoughts one may ever entertain is the fact that our omnipotent God has chosen to depend upon us. The very thought that our God, who spoke the universe into existence, formed man from the dust of the ground and holds the cosmos and our lives together, would allow me to partner with Him in His good purposes.
For those who may say, “Maybe God would use you or someone else, but He would never use me. You see, I’m just an ordinary person,” let me remind you that…
Moses was just a shepherd, yet God used him to deliver His people (Ex. 3:1).
Gideon was just a thresher of wheat, yet God used him to defeat an enormous army with just 300 men (Judges 6:11).
Daniel was a young refugee in a foreign land, yet God used him to demonstrate his power to stop the mouths of lions (Daniel 6:22).
Rahab was a harlot, yet God used her to be in the ancestry of Jesus (Matthew 1:5).
Paul was a tentmaker, yet God used him to be one of the greatest missionaries the world has ever known (Acts 26:16-18).
Peter was a fisherman, yet God used him as one of the great apostles (Matthew 10:1-4).
Esther was an Israelite orphan, yet God used her to become a queen and save His people (Esther 2-4).
…And then there’s your story. You don’t think you could ever have a story? My question is, “Why not?” Has God stopped working in the affairs of men? Does He no longer use people to accomplish His purposes? If you are willing, why would God not use you as an instrument of His providence?
Just take it in for a moment. Consider the thought. Imagine your life being used as a tool in the hands of God to accomplish His good purposes!
Just what do you think an all-knowing, all-powerful God could do with an ordinary life like yours and mine? I know what He’s done in the past, and I know what He can do in the future if we will make our lives available to Him.
As we begin the New Year, let us ask God to use us as tools in His providence. Who knows, you may have been brought to this very place “for such a time as this!”
By Steve Higginbotham