Finding Fault

By Steve Higginbotham

Have you heard the story about the two taxidermists who were walking down the street and stopped in front of a store window? In the window, an old owl was on display. These two specialists immediately began to criticize the way it was mounted: its eyes were not natural…its wings were not in proportion with the head…its feathers were not neatly arranged…and its talons could be greatly improved. When they had finally finished with their critical examination, the old owl turned its head and winked at them!

I think we are all, to some degree or another, like those taxidermists. We sometimes seem unable to control ourselves and we get carried away with criticism. We look at our elders, preachers, deacons, Bible class teachers, song leaders, those who lead public prayers, our friends, our parents, our spouses, and even our children with harsh and unjust criticism.

While there are times when criticism is appropriate and even necessary, too often it is the result of an unbridled tongue. At any given moment, I could give you a list of faults that my friends or acquaintances have and they could do the same with me. However, at any given moment, I could also give you a list of good and pleasant qualities these same people possess. Thus, it becomes a choice we must make. Do we choose to focus on the good or the bad in others? Do we talk about the shortcomings or the excellencies which others possess?

I believe the Lord wants us to focus on the good in others while not ignoring faults that need to be addressed. For some, this will come naturally, but for others, it will take a daily conscious effort. Jesus was very clear in Matthew 7 that he did not want us to have a judgmental attitude toward others. The more mercy and grace we can extend to others, the better off we will be (Matthew 7:2).

May I challenge you to be less critical of others and more understanding? May I challenge you to be less judgmental and more merciful? May I challenge you to be slower to speak words of criticism than you have been in the past? May I challenge you to spend more time and effort in searching out and extolling the good that

exists in others? May I challenge you to make a conscious effort to praise other Christians in the presence of your

children rather than allowing them to hear your criticisms of them? And may I challenge you to, when criticism is necessary, to be gentle and to express your

criticism to the appropriate party?

I believe that if we will accept these challenges, we will be better people, and will more clearly reflect Christ in our lives. Also, if we will accept these challenges, I think you’ll like the new you better than the old one.