by Steve Higginbotham
I don’t remember where I first heard the following comment, but I would like for you to consider it.
As one reads the account of Jesus entering the garden of Gethsemane just prior to his betrayal and crucifixion, one can notice that there are four groups of people present.
1. The Lord alone – praying. 2. The three disciples – sleeping. 3. The eight disciples – waiting. 4. The murderous mob – approaching.
Now, here’s the point I don’t want you to miss. The further from the Lord, the larger the crowd. And it’s still true today.
However, we frequently experience feelings of insecurity when we find ourselves in the minority. We begin to wonder, “How can I be right and everyone else is wrong? Maybe I’m missing something. Maybe I had better not be too dogmatic.”
We can see the results of this kind of thinking throughout modern culture and religion. Just watch as something that was once considered immoral or unbiblical becomes popular in our modern culture. Religious leaders, religious systems, legislators, and even the populace who once stood against these things begin to change their views. Why? Not because of new revelation they discovered, but because of popularity. People don’t like to stand alone.
But friends, that just may be what we have to do as followers of Jesus. Don’t allow your convictions to be swayed by the majority. Remember, seldom has the majority been right when it comes to spiritual matters. Don’t allow your reluctance to be different from everyone else persuade you to compromise your convictions. Remember Gethsemane!