Doing Good

You know of Jesus of Nazareth, how God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and with power, and how He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him (Acts 10:38). One of the simplest and yet powerful descriptions of our Lord and Savior while He was here on earth was that He went about “doing good.”

One objective we have when we come together as a family here at Karns is …to stimulate one another to love and good deeds (Heb. 10:24). In view of the fact that we are “created in Christ Jesus for good works” (Eph. 2:10), we should give special attention to the words of the brother of Jesus, Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin (Jas. 4:17).

We understand doing good works does not merit our salvation, but we also know that in Hebrews 13:16 we are told, And do not neglect doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. There are many other reasons why we should become actively involved in doing good works. Our good deeds will bring glory to God, prepare unbelievers to be more receptive to the gospel, demonstrate the living nature of our faith, and are necessary if we are to be Christ-like.

Most good works we can become involved in are either “spiritual” or “physical” in nature. Those good works which are more spiritual in nature may involve such things as telling others of God’s grace toward us, encouraging other Christians with cards, calls or visits, or restoring and helping weak brethren. Those good works which are more physical in nature might involve such things as giving of our time and money to those in need, helping with projects here at the building, helping those at home with special needs, or willingly serving in any capacity we may be called upon to do.

We are so very blessed here at Karns to have so many willing and eager to help out in so many different ways. Last Wednesday, at our family meeting , many opportunities for service and involvement were presented to help us all be more eva ngelistic for our Lord and Savior. God has given so much to each of us and we owe Him our all.

Remember the words of the apostle Paul to our brethren in Thessalonica, But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary of doing good (II Thess. 3:13). Even if we do not do enough to grow weary, let’s all resolve to at least do enough to get really tired. We have much to do and we need everyone’s help to accomplish our responsibilities to God.

If, after self-examination, we admit we have been lacking in our service to the Lord, let’s resolve that now is the time to give the Lord His due. Pray for our efforts and success in reaching the lost.

For the Elders (Gregg Woodall)