The last few weeks as we all assembled together electronically to worship God, we sang the same songs at the same times and prayed together. Together we heard the same sermon from God’s word preached, and we communed together separated only by space. Thankfully, we could all give electronically or come by the building where our deacons helped collect that for you. We were able to participate in all the acts of worship together thanks to God’s blessing and the technology that made that possible.
Now as we can return to the building for our worship instead of in our homes online together, it is an occasion for thanksgiving!
There will be some things that will be different like sitting farther apart, wearing masks, and being careful about things that can spread germs. Our worship will continue to be scriptural.
The risk in Knox County is low, and we understand that to some of these measures may seem ridiculous. However, our decisions are based on what we know about this virus and how singing can release large amounts of droplets from someone who may not realize they are infected. This could spread to others and out to the community. Places of large gatherings are of particularly higher risk. Therefore, we will wear the masks until the coast is clear (And no that is not until the world is a perfect place and no risk exists) and until it is clear that it is prudent to relax on that.
We already know of churches that have had community outbreaks linked back to them and this destroys their trust and influence in the community. We want to be that city on a hill, that light that draws others to us (Matt. 5:14), not the pariah of the community because we did not want to go the extra mile.
So please bear with us on this and we will seek to get back to total normalcy when we think it is wise. We will seek to worship in spirit and in truth (John 4:24), do all things decently and in order (I Cor. 14:40), to be doers and not merely hearers (James 1:22), and to esteem others more highly than ourselves (Phil. 2:3).
We love you and pray for you daily,
Gary Woodall