by Steve Higginbotham
Several years ago, Donald Drusky of Pennsylvania, named God as a defendant in a lawsuit. Mr. Drusky was suing God for failing to bring him justice in a thirty year battle with his former employee. Of course, his case was dismissed as “frivolous” by U.S. District Judge Norman Mordue, but isn’t this sad? This man has spent the better part of his life in resentment and focusing on the inequities of his life.
While I don’t know many who would go to these lengths, I do believe that many struggle with resentment and failing to move on through the problems of life. Maybe you struggle with harmonizing your family problems, your financial problems, or your health problems with a God who said he loves you and promised never to forsake you.
Sound familiar? If so, remember there are no victories without battles. Character is developed by trials. Trials drive us to our knees and remind us how vulnerable we are. They cause us to lift our eyes beyond the horizon of tomorrow.
In that light, trials and the inequities of life can be viewed with some value. Grant it, that doesn’t remove the pain from our experiences, but it does help give meaning and purpose to our painful experiences.
I’ll never forget taking Kelli to the doctor for her first shot. She was so unsuspecting. While lying happily on my knees, the doctor stuck her with the needle. I’ll never forget her look of shock and pain. As her father, it was difficult for me to allow her to experience this pain, but also as a father, I knew that this momentary pain was in her best interest. The best I could do was hold her in my arms and reassure her of my love.
I wonder if God feels like I did. Surely he hurts when we suffer. He takes no delight in seeing our shock and pain when life seems cruel to us. Instead, he, like any loving Father, loves us, and reassures us through his promises.
Don’t give in to bitterness when you’re hurt. Instead, just cling more tightly to your heavenly Father who loves you.